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My public classes are: Adults only, No children, No pets, and Fragrance-free please.
Class size is currently limited to ten (10) students and your Pre-Paid Registration is required. You may complete your registration and pay for your class now with your Credit Card. You are not registered until your payment has been received.
Questions? Comments? Please email me, lynda@5AcreArts.com
Please take a moment to read the 5 Acre Arts Cancellation Policy below:
If you registered and paid for a class via the 5 Acre Arts website and need to cancel for any reason, you will receive a refund (minus the $25 Non-Refundable registration fee) IF you contact me by email at least three (3) business days (M-F) prior to the start of your class. Email me, lynda@5AcreArts.com. Please include your name, class details and personal contact information.
Late cancellations will not receive a refund.
NOTE: If you did NOT register via the 5 Acre Arts website and have to cancel for any reason, you will need to contact the individual artist, sponsoring group or store regarding their Cancellation Policy.
As a reminder, although I do teach in a pretty relaxed classroom atmosphere, I still believe in general guidelines. Click HERE to read about Classroom Etiquette.
I have no public classes scheduled at this time. Private classes only, 1-4 students.
Email me, lynda@5AcreArts.com